5 Tips For Looking Beautiful Without Makeup

I think I speak for all women when I say , we want to feel beautiful . Do not only look beautiful , but feel . Feel it inside. Radiate it . Accept it. And to do so, does not cake layers of makeup.

Do not get me wrong : I'm the type of girl who neeeeds apply some concealer to not scare small children when I go to the door. But lately I've cut my glam routine in an attempt to love the way I look without makeup .

The first week is not so good. I felt naked without makeup . I felt self-conscious with a bare face . And I felt that my second grade .
However, I quickly realized that if I'm going to stick with this new me blush , I 'm going to have to include some new tricks natural skin care products to help me feel beautiful without makeup .
Want to know what I did? Read on .
First Make an SPF of new BFF.
I admit that , during my 20 - 's I was stupid. I rarely use sunscreen, I baked in the sun for a few hours , and never considered the damage I was causing my skin.
I'll pay for this behavior in my thirties And let me tell you , I would shake my Twentysomething itself.
These days I 'm doing this morning priority slather on sunscreen whether it is sunny or not.
You see, almost 80 % of our total exposure to the sun is a random (according to the Sun Safety Alliance ) , that is, those walks to the car , take a walk in the park or a dog you ran errands for dinner all add to premature wrinkles and damage skin if you do not slam on the SPF.
It's such a simple set-up to do. Simply apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day during the morning routine to help keep your skin looking as young and healthy as possible.
It may seem like no big deal, but trust me : clear, healthy, glowing skin is one of the easiest ways to feel beautiful without makeup .
Second Drink a cup of hot morning ... water ?
I love myself a cup of tea to start the morning , but lately I've been making the switch to good old-fashioned hot water with lemon.
Yes, it sounds boring , but the inclusion of a cup of hot water and lemon is one of the best things you could do for yourself in the morning. It not only helps to wake up your senses , but they are reset and cleanses the body of toxins , and reduces your chances of future skin sensitivity.
In addition, water hydrates the body , which keeps your skin supple, so you can swing that dewy glow ... Without the use of light to get the same effect.
The third Get your scrub .
Speaking of dewy glow , including simple peel twice a week will provide your dry, dead skin cells and it is sad not to suffocate your skin and block the pores.
You see, if we do not rub lifeless layers of the skin on our faces , these dead skin cells become opaque and do not reflect light properly , causing our skin look, well , blah.
To combat this , mix equal parts of baking soda and water and give it a good go . Once it is properly combined , apply it on your face and rub it into the skin gently for two minutes.
If your two minutes are up , wash it , dry and moistened with a few drops of coconut oil. Then just stand back and wonder how healthy your skin looks .
Fourth Keep your hands off .
We all catch ourselves doing it - resting his chin in his hand , there are blackheads, rubbing his eyes or forehead massage . And you know what ? It harms your skin.
Since the skin on our face is the thinnest on our body , it can be easily damaged , stretched and torn.
Every time you rub your eyes . Every time you pull into your skin . Every time you rest your hand on the face . Every time you scratch your face or pick at the skin or pop - acne, you are causing micro- tears in your skin.
These micro - tears in the end lead to future wrinkles , and furthermore, they can also result in gradual degradation of the skin.
Moral of the story ?
Keep your hands off your face. That says it all .
Fifth Tea for tanning.
If there is a quick and easy way to feel beautiful without make-up, it's with a healthy complexion .
Do not get me wrong, I'm not talking , head outside and bake in the sun or run to the nearest tanning salon and take your inner Snooki .
I just suggest you get on the DIY and create your own tan.
All you need is a tea.
To create your own self-tanner :
Boil two cups of water.
Add 5 tea bags and allow them to cool for about 20 minutes.
Once your tea has cooled, remove the tea bags and pour the tea into a clean spray bottle .
Permanent or in your shower or bath , spray yourself one body part at a time , allowing your skin to dry before applying another coat .
Allow your skin to dry completely before dressing.
Not only do you have a killer artificial glow , but your skin will feel moisturized and soft. This is a win-win!
I know first hand how difficult it can be to feel that your beautiful yourself if you are naked and vulnerable , but if you can work these five tips into your daily routine your skin will look healthier than ever , giving you a damn good reason to feel beautiful without makeup .

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