Looking out for Smart Ways to lose Weight? Nibble on Almonds!

Almond lovers have a reason to rejoice! Tossing a handful of these magnesium rich nuts into your breakfast cereal can help you lose weight pretty fast. According to the International Journal of obesity, a group of dieters conducted a study on the relation between almonds and weight loss. The findings of the study clearly point towards the fact that almonds act as catalysts in cutting down the extra fat deposited on your bodies. So, if you wanted to lose out those unwanted pounds hanging on your tummy, you now have a tastier and a more easy way of weight loss - almonds!

The results of the study show that dieter who took an almond rich diet lost more pounds the dieters who stuck to a high-carb diet that contained the same amount of calories. This implies that the research plainly dismisses the theory that considers all calories to be the same.

There are a couple of reasons that make these yummy morsels known as almonds quick weight loss promoting agents. First off, almonds are considered as rich snacks. Once a person has gulped down a good number of nuts, almonds especially, the likelihood of snacking on useless snacks later on is considerably reduced. Dieters usually miss out on this 'healthy crunch' and some even substitute with worthless snacks and it is here that they goof up on their dieting program.

Another good reason to include almonds in your diet is that almonds are a rich source of fiber. Intake of fiber makes a person feel young at heart and in spirit. Fiber also prevents fat and calories from being suck up by the human body. Of course, almonds have other nutrients apart from fiber. They are full of proteins and healthy fats. As a matter of fact, almonds contain 39% fat in all and out of this, 25% is purely healthy fat. This type of mono-saturated fat is the same as that found in olive oil and hence it helps in lowering down the levels of cholesterol a great deal.

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