Tips to keep your New Year’s Resolution to Lose Weight

Now that we're three weeks into the New Year , which is New Year's resolutions going? I hope you are still on the run. If your resolution was to lose weight this year, and you begin to waver, we have some great tips that will help you to continue to work towards your goal .

1. Make sure you know how many calories you eat - it can take a little more time to do your food shopping , but the key to effective weight loss to read the back label . Many foods claim to be 99 % fat-free , or the like , but if you look at the back of the pack , they are loaded with sugar. Instead, work out how many calories a day you can consume to maintain your weight loss goals (usually between 1,200-1,800 calories). Then all you have to do is read the label on the food , to see how many calories are in that element . There are also some great application that will scan the bar code and tell you how many calories are in it.

2. Be careful with spices - do not underestimate the calories you consume. You can be on the track with a healthy diet and think a little bit of tomato sauce will not make that much difference ... but it does. Plus, do not forget that your calories into account day includes drinks. So if you want to add sugar to coffee or drink soft drinks you could undermine great food, what you are doing. If you are sick of simple vegetables and salad , mix with low-fat balsamic vinaigrette . And if you can not stand another glass of plain old water , try squeezing fresh lemon or lime in it to add extra flavor .

3. Measure the exact exercises- A common mistake people make is to think that because they are carried out on the day they can eat more calories or given to busting fun. In theory this is true , but it only works when the number of calories burned during exercise as much or more than the calories in your pleasure. So if you want to do, make sure you find out how much exercise and what level of intensity you need to do in order not to ruin your good work. Again, there are some great apps to help you with this , for example , RunKeeper.

4. Set a short-term stimulus - it can be both positive and negative incentives. For example, to get a group of friends who all want to lose weight, then you become a goal for the week - maybe you 'll make up to four training sessions or two sessions in the gym 1:00 and two walks. Then all you have to put some money in the bank. If you stick to your commitment you will get your money back if you do not lose it , and he goes to the pool to be won at the end of a certain period of time (say , three months). For some people , the thought of spending your hard earned money is a great incentive to stay on track. For other people, the more positive stimulus may be needed , for example, if you follow in your training plan for six weeks, you get to buy a new pair of jeans or go for the weekend or even be given a delicious meal at a nice restaurant without having to count calories .

These are just a few tips to help keep you on track. Interestingly, the weight loss is the most common New Year's resolution but, unfortunately , there are only a few people who stick to their decision and succeed in achieving their goal. Do not be one of the many fall of the car. 2013 to make your success!

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